12 Killed in Explosion in Simec Steel Plant in Tlaxcala State of Mexico

Tlaxcala, Mexico – On Wednesday morning, a morning blast took place inside the facility of a Simec-owned steel plant situated in Apizaco, Tlaxcala. According to the statement of state authorities, at least 12 workers have been killed due to this blast.

“At the plant of the steel complex located in the city of Apizaco, Tlaxcala, a liquid steel spill occurred with the loss of human lives, temporarily paralyzing operations,” according to a confirmed statement by Simec.

Preliminary findings by the state civil protection office indicated the explosion probably came after smelting equipment collapsed. Officials from the state prosecutor’s office said one person was still in critical condition at a nearby hospital.

The cause of the accident is under investigation; however, authorities noted that when molten steel contacts water, it can result in a violent explosion. Simec announced it is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident and pledged its full cooperation with local authorities.

Those killed were workers at the plant, the state prosecutor’s office told Reuters. One person is hospitalized in critical condition, the office added.

It points out that such catastrophes are not yet ruled out in heavy industry, where materials must be handled at very high temperatures, such as molten steel.

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